Saturday, November 24, 2007

Vativu, Chuvatu and Atavu

In Kalarippayattu, different poses or vativus are designed and developed to get concentration for perfect power and force in carrying out a particular action or for being in readiness for action. There are eight such vativus namely- Gaja Vativu (elephant pose), Aswa Vativu (horse pose), Simha Vativu (Lion pose), Varaha Vativu (boar pose), Matsya Vativu (Fish pose), Marjara Vativu (Cat pose), Kukkuta Vativu (Cock pose) and Sarpa Vativu (Serpent pose). One more Vativu-Mayura Vativu (Peacock pose) is also practised in some Kalaries. Each Vativu has its own style, power combination, usefulness and effectiveness.

Apart from these Vativus, there are basic foot positions and movements, which are technically called Chuvatus. These are designed to give more power, precision and concentration to the action against the opponent. In Chuvatu, the attention is centred on the role of the feet. There are five such basic Chuvatus - Vatta Chuvatu, Aakka Chuvatu, Neekka Chuvatu, Kon Chuvatu and Ottakkal Chuvatu. These Vativus and Chuvatus are scientifically combined to form what is called Atavus.

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